to local actors in the protection of the Mediterranean Sea.

Their vision:

During their dives, Jean Jaques and Jean-Claude noticed the considerable impoverishment of the biodiversity of the seabed due to the increase in waste. They then set themselves the mission of cleaning up the seabed of the Mediterranean coast. In addition to their clean-up actions, they want to raise awareness, particularly among elected officials.

Their vision:

During their dives, Jean Jaques and Jean-Claude noticed the considerable impoverishment of the biodiversity of the seabed due to the increase in waste. They then set themselves the mission of cleaning up the seabed of the Mediterranean coast. In addition to their clean-up actions, they want to raise awareness, particularly among elected officials.

Their actions:

Weekly litter hunts/cleaning of the local seabed.

Awareness campaigns for schoolchildren on issues related to seabed pollution.

Their actions:

Weekly litter hunts/cleaning of the local seabed.

Awareness campaigns for schoolchildren on issues related to seabed pollution.

“We love what we marvel at, and we protect what we love.”

Jacques-Yves Cousteau